Friday, January 6, 2012

Well I know it's been a while

So I know its been a while since I posted but with 3 kids I stay pretty busy but I really need to get this blog looking like a blog that's for sure. I'm just going to recap from August through December so this post doesn't get ridiculously long. 

August 2011

  • M started Pre-K & shopping for uniforms was a bit hard because her lower half of her body is really short so everything had to end up being altered so that was a lot of fun NOT. On her first day I cried & cried all day. I was so upset because in all 4 years of her life she had never not been with me so to go a whole day with out her hit me pretty hard but it got easier with time thank goodness.

  • A started to crawl and it was pretty dang cute if I say so myself and she said her first word & it was ma ma so that made me super excited.
  •  R started doing this silly thing every time he had to use the bathroom he would come & give me a hug & kiss and tell me bye as if the bathroom is so far away lol but it was super sweet so I soaked it up while it lasted because it only lasted a couple of days.

September 2011

  • We celebrated my mom's 51st birthday and she will probably die when she reads that iI posted her age on here but she'll get over it lol. I hope I look like that when I'm 51 because she still looks good hopefully I got her genes. We got her a nook for her birthday that I'm pretty much in love with because it does everything.
  • My father-in-law & brother-in-law came down for a visit. We had bbq & spent a quite couple of days at home catching up with them. He helped L cross off somethings on his honey do list so I was happy.
  • My mom & my youngest sister got ran off the road by some idiot now I know that it isn't nice to say that but its the truth &  they were shook up about it. Well we all were I mean who runs someone off the road and then just never stops to see if they were okay. When stuff like that happens it really makes you think of how lucky you are to just wake up in the morning.

  • R learned to use the word "why" correctly and every time he was asked to do something that's all his reply was. I'm really glad he outgrew it after about a month because it was very hard not to get frustrated & annoyed. I was very proud of myself for not answering his "why's" with because I said so; that was a task in it's self.
  • A said her second word which was bay bay for baby. They grow so fast. 

October 2011 

  • M had her first field trip we went to the pumpkin patch & to the park. She had a blast playing games at the pumpkin patch and L & I enjoyed having some one on one time with her. She also had a Halloween carnival & trunk or treat at  her school that I helped out with and I loved seeing how she interacted with all of her class mates.
  • Halloween was so much fun the kids get so excited because they love dressing up and getting candy but really whats not to like about it. M was a glitter witch, R was superman, and A was a fairy Ballerina. 

November 2011

  • We had a great Thanksgiving at my house with family & we had an even better black Friday shopping trip. I got all my Christmas shopping done for the kids in one day so it was worth being up 30 hours.
  • M turned 5 & really where does the time go. I know there is no way I should have a 5 year old but apparently I do. She had a tangled theme birthday which was so cute. She loved the party and all her gifts so I'd say it was a success.

December 2011
  • R had his 3rd birthday and this time of year we have a birthday once a month. We had a pirate party complete with a plank you had to walk.
  • Christmas was a lot of fun and excitement for us and the kids they can't wait to open their gifts & we can't wait to see their faces when they see what they get. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Weekend

Okay so when I made this blog I told my self that I needed to work on it everyday till I actually got it fixed the way I wanted well like most things in my life that didn't happen. It's funny how you can be so determined to get something done and how suddenly those plans can change. But anyways eventually I'm going to have this set up to my liking until then I'll just have to live with it.

This weekend has been a busy one I havent had time to hardly set down and caught my thoughts let alone fold this pile of laundry that has been sitting on the couch for two days that now has to be fluffed bc it's wrinkled; if I don't fluff them does that make me lazy? Yea I'm thinking that seems lazy.

My sister, my nieces, and my nephew came to town so we spent the weekend with them because ever since she moved two hours away but whose counting we hardly ever get to see them anymore and the kids just love playing together. Friday we went shopping with NO KIDS now this may seem like not a big deal but when you have seven kids between us and you get to walk out the house and not take a diaper bag or listen to "mom she hit me or crying or I have to potty" it's surreal and never heard of with us so we loved every minute of it. Not one time did I have to take things out of the buggy that just"magically" appeared and that no one knew how they got there.

Saturday we went to my aunt's house for a BBQ and to swim which was a great little party if I do say so my self and what made it even better was L got out of school earlier and was able to come with me and the kids so I enjoyed our little family time. Then we went back to my mom to just hang out and relax.

Today we spent the morning at my mom's well really I should say me and A spent the morning there because L took M and R and one of my nieces to his friends house to play on the slip N' slide with his little girl. So it was some what quite at my mom's with only four kids. Then everyone came to our house for dinner and after we ate my sister left for her vacation she gets to go to my cousins wedding which I am a little jealous j/k because I do wish I could go but I'll get over it I'm sure.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pilot (Perfect name for my first post)

So let me start this by saying that for the sake of this being the internet real names will not be use I will refer to my husband as L, my oldest daughter by M, my son by R, and my youngest daughter by A.

Another thing about this blog that you should know about is that I suck at spelling, punctuation, and basically the english language; writing has never been my strong point so with that said please NEVER EVER expect to see any post I make to be dramatically correct  because they will not be. I want to use this blog as a place where our life lessons and experiences are stored so we can make a trip down memory lane when ever we choose.

I am so many things a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, but above all I'm a mom and my kids are my world. I am blessed to be with them everyday and I love it.

When M was little I had to work and I missed out on so many little things, at the time I didn't even realize it. But when R was born I decided to stay home and being home with him made me see how much of M's first year flew by and was a bit of a blur. I was either working or at school and I had very little time to just enjoy everything. I mean we all know how fast they grow but when you work and have other things on your plate its like they grow twice as fast.Which is why I want to make everything we do together count. When my kids look back at their childhood I want them to remember all these fun and exciting things they got to do and  experience and think how much they enjoyed being kids.